My Dream Jobs
How I Get to be a 'SuperHero' Everyday!
What do you just love to do? The answer to this can help you find your purpose in life. To me, it's not money... though money is absolutely necessary to freely pursue your passion and purpose. To me it's not the fame recognition, though that has often helped me to do my purpose. 

I love to solve problems... it's clear in everything I do, as a therapist I enjoy tackling the most complicated conditions. I love to take on and conquer the toughest projects, from computer systems to complex pain issues, to publishing challenges and efforts to change the world.

Whew, that's a lot to bite off... but somehow I keep moving forward and getting more and more done.

And, hopefully... wait, no, I know... for at least some people I am making a real difference. I am changing the world.

So, here is a page with a few of the projects I am working on. On most of these you should be able to check out and sign up and get something free as a reward. I am also often trying to promote things and hopefully help you with your efforts to live a better life, to be more successful or to even change the world.

I want to acknowledge my team at Functional Concepts, LLC for helping support the many projects as well as for all the people in my life that are helping me to achieve more. For a moment I thought of a list but there are too many to mention (and you'd probably skip them).

So, to answer my title above here... I get to be a Superhero Every Day by continuing to create art and share it with the world. Thank you for coming to this page. I hope some of the projects catch your eye and that they help you to the better life you always wanted. (Or a better life you never even expected.)
Introducing Ed Kaine of Functional Concepts, LLC
Ed Kaine
Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, Therapist
Check out these many awesome projects and go ahead  and click the links to learn more. - Get a free pain reduction report and get yourself closer to living your optimal life. - Functional Therapy Magazine has been published monthly is available on iTunes and GooglePlay for mobile devices. Right now we are promoting the Pain Reduction Report and the Beyond Physical Health Implementation Program. The Magazine is still going strong but the website was hacked. In the meantime we can provide great service through our Beyond phsical Health Project. - We started a new clinic in Stratford Connecticut recently. We are currently offering a promotion. Please contact us at or for details. 
You can change your life today or wait until next year to be in the same spot.
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